Responses · Testimonies

The Letters I Wish I Could Write: On Mental Health & The Church

Sometimes I wish I could write a letter to the woman I asked to pray for me in sixth grade, telling her I was always scared. I wish I could tell her that when she asked me what I was scared of, I couldn't think of a single specific thing. But I could still feel… Continue reading The Letters I Wish I Could Write: On Mental Health & The Church

Poetry · Practical · Responses

On Refugees: A Poem & A Few Ways to Help

I could have been you. I could have entered the world at war, Could have seen horrors that echo, Could have known nothing but danger and the desperation for escape. But, somehow, I'm me. I'm not where you are, Don't understand suffering the way you do, Don't know what it's like to be hated in… Continue reading On Refugees: A Poem & A Few Ways to Help

Thanksgiving Projects

Cold & Warmed {Walking in Joy, Week 3}

Sunday Confession: I'm kind of the Grinch until the day after Thanksgiving (although Brandon Heath understands me so I'm pretty okay with it); Christmas is a feeling I savor, so I feel like I'm cheapening it if I start celebrating early. But. . . these holly-like bushes outside Wal-Mart were so cheerful, stark beauty in contrast of… Continue reading Cold & Warmed {Walking in Joy, Week 3}