Responses · Testimonies

The Letters I Wish I Could Write: On Mental Health & The Church

Sometimes I wish I could write a letter to the woman I asked to pray for me in sixth grade, telling her I was always scared. I wish I could tell her that when she asked me what I was scared of, I couldn't think of a single specific thing. But I could still feel… Continue reading The Letters I Wish I Could Write: On Mental Health & The Church


On Stewardship, Speculation, & Love’s Pursuits

"The aim of our charge is love that issues from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith" (1 Tim. 1:5). These words are important, and it matters that we understand why they were penned. We can read in Acts 20 (particularly verses 29-35) that pretty much from the beginning of his work in Ephesus,… Continue reading On Stewardship, Speculation, & Love’s Pursuits

Responses · Testimonies

What My Old Lyrics Taught Me: On Authenticity, Shame, & Growing Up in Church

Music is my home, something I was made to live in. But I've faced rejection, limitations, discouragement, and over time I allowed those things to bury my passion. It still lived, but I wouldn't listen to its outcry for my attention; I pretended it was small and didn't matter too much to me. But it always did.… Continue reading What My Old Lyrics Taught Me: On Authenticity, Shame, & Growing Up in Church